Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A Message from Dr. Thompson!


People, people people!!!! Gather around!! Want to bring up a new diagnostic addition to Thompson Veterianary Services, & that is the addition of a new IN-HOUSE test by IDEXX LABS, for the detection of KIDNEY DISEASE, earlier, in dogs and cats. This IS VERY BENEFICIAL, especially in geriatric patients, patients on arthritis medications, patients who have been on long-term prednisone or prednisolone for allergies, lasix therapy and other situations where the kidneys are potentially at risk. The test is the SDMA test. SDMA is a biomarker for kidney function, and along with another kidney enzyme, CREATININE can help detect kidney disease earlier. One of the cool things about SDMA, IT'S NOT INFLUENCED BY OTHER DISEASES!!! SO, if your fur babies have been drinking a lot, urinating a lot, maybe losing weight, maybe not eating like they used to, or having vomiting episodes, CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY to set up an appointment for us to take a blood sample. Kidney disease isn't easy to treat at times, & KNOWING EARLIER can help.

Thanks for following...Dr.T

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth: A Step-by-Step Guide

Brushing Your Pet’s Teeth

Your dog's mouth health can lead to other health problems with them just like it can for humans.  Making sure that your pet's mouth is clean and free of plaque will lead to a healthy pet. 

A Step-by-Step Guide

1.  Find a calm time when your dog can be relaxed.
2. Make sure that you go to your local pet store to get a pet toothbrush.
3. Test out how your dog will react to having their gums and teeth touched before sticking the toothbrush in there. Praise for tolerance! 
4. Introduce the toothbrush by touching it into their mouth before you start the scrub. 
5. Let your pup get a small taste of the toothpaste from your finger.
6. Put toothpaste on the brush and start brushing the top teeth first, front to back. Make sure to praise your pup. 
7. Move to the bottom, front to back.
8. Tons of praise!  If your pup tolerated this well give them treats and make sure they are well rewarded.  After your pup is used to their teeth being brushed start removing treats during the process. 

Watch this video for a visual guild! 

Monday, February 5, 2018

National Pet Dental Health Month

Does your dog have "doggy breath"?

If your dog has some serious doggy breath going on, it actually can be a sign of serious a health problem!  It can be a sign of problems with their gums and teeth but also their internal organs. 

Check it out

We found this great video about Periodontal disease that gives some great info! 

Hot for the summer

To avoid these problems and enjoy the  summer season  with your  pet , here're the tips to keep in mind. Provide plenty of water and...