Thursday, January 18, 2018

How to Keep Your Pet Entertained Indoors During Bad Weather

How to Keep Your Pet Entertained Indoors During Bad Weather

If bad weather is keeping your pets indoors they can quickly start to drive you crazy!  We've found some great ways to keep those pets entertained and happy with the more confined day of being indoors.
  1.  Hide and Seek for treats!  Hide a few of their favorite treats around the house for them to get a good smell of and let the hunt begin.  You can make this as easy or as challenging as you'd like for your pet.
  2. Tug of war! If the kids are stuck inside to a great game of tug of war can keep everyone entertained! 
  3. Chase.  Instead of your pet running around like crazy through the house find a favorite toy such as a tennis ball or a jingling ball depending on if you have a cat or dog, and roll it down a hall or across the room.  It will keep them from going all over the place trying to find something to do.
  4. Chase Level 2.  If you have stairs, sit at the top and play chase down the stairs.  This is a great (if noisy) way to wear your hyper pet out.
  5.  And finally, most important CUDDLES!  Once you've worn your fur baby out it's time for some Netflix and Cuddles! 

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