Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tricks for Training Your New Puppy - Part 2. Potty Training

Potty Training

No one wants to clean up doggy puddles...or worse.  So how do you make sure that your sweet new puppy won't be leaving you unpleasant gifts?  You potty train them!  

Key Points

Control your puppy's diet.  Make sure you have scheduled feedings and keep the schedule consistent.  Make sure you have regular trips outside, exercise, and feeding times.  Giving your new puppy lots of exercise will also help to keep your puppy's super energy under control and keep them from other bad behaviors.  Use positive reinforcements during outside time.  When your puppy goes potty outside make sure to reward them for it, a ton of praise and love is perfectly fine for this reward, it doesn't have to be food related.  


Crate Training

Teaching your new pup to love their crate is a very beneficial lesson that will help you both out throughout their life.  Dogs naturally love being in a den and creating a space for them will actually be a comfort.  Dogs will also not soil the place that they are sleeping as long as their crate is the right size.  If your crate is too small your puppy won't be comfortable, but too large they can use a corner for their waste and still be comfortable in another area.  Make sure your dog can stand up, lay down, and turn around.   When your puppy starts whining and showing signs they need to go potty take them out right away. 

Puppy pads

These can be confusing for your new puppy, but in some cases such as a very small dog being home for long periods of time while you're at work.  They can be used to teach a puppy to only use the bathroom in this one approved spot and then as they mature they can be trained to only go outside when their body is able. 


A tiny pup cannot go long after eating or drinking before going potty.  Having a schedule where they go outside first thing in the morning, after each meal, after drinking,  after crate time, after a nap, after chewing on their toys or bones, after spending time playing, and right before bedtime. 

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