Monday, January 22, 2018

What You Need to Know Before Adopting a Bird

What You Need to Know Before Adopting a Bird

Do you love birds?  If you're thinking of adding a bird to your family there are several things to consider before adopting a winged friend into your home. 

1. Many types of birds are very messy, loud, and destructive.  Be prepared for birds to be vocalizing, dropping food and waste that may land outside their cage, and chew through things.  Birds chew and shred wood and they can easily make it through toys, curtains, power cords, paper, curtains, and your furniture. 

2. Parrots are beautiful birds that many people love to have.  However, did you know a parrot could live to be 50 years old?  Having one as a pet is a long-term investment. 

3 Birds should never be exposed to tobacco smoke, chemical fumes such as hairspray or cleaners, or Teflon coated materials.  This is because birds expel nearly all of their air during their breathing cycle.  Humans empty a portion of our air as we breathe out, bird expel nearly all of it which means with each inhale they are bringing in more pollutants.

4. Birds need to go to a veterinarian that specializes in bird care.  Your beloved vet who take great care of your cat, may not be able to take care of your bird as well. 

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