Monday, April 23, 2018

A Note from Dr. T!!

From Dr. T!

Hey, hey, hey!! Hope all had an absolute phenomenal weekend!! I sat around eating Moon Pies and drinking Dr.Pepper, yeah baaaby! ðŸ˜€ 

On a more topic-oriented note, I have to put a bug in your ears about a rat bait out there that isn't like the rat baits we have known in the past. Reason? We have had 3 recent cases of exposure/intoxications related to the ingestion of this rat bait. The ingredient we are talking about is Bromethalin, & it is found in some newer rat baits. Bromethalin is basically a neurotoxin, works on the nervous system as opposed to working on the clotting factors. It's pretty quickly absorbed from the GI tract, and cats tend to be far more sensitive than dogs. Depending on the amount ingested, it can take anywhere from 12 to 96 hours fors signs to show up from my understanding and talkung with the ASPCA Toxic Hotline veterinary toxicologists. Signs include stumbling, weakness in the legs, vomiting, muscle tremors, seizures, becoming really excited, very sensitive to things, & vocalizing to name a few symptoms. So, go look at any rat bait you may have out, & know whats in it so if your furbaby gets into it, you can call the toxic hotline, then us at Thompson Veterinary Services for help. Btw, keep the packaging from your baits, of any kind so we can know whats in them if we need. 

Have a great day!! Dr.T 

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