Friday, August 31, 2018

September is coming

There are an estimated four million white-tailed deer living in Texas. They are often solitary animals but can be found in herds ranging in various sizes. White-tails eat mostly forbs (weedy plants) and shrubs, and can be found in wooded and brushy areas of the state. Deer do not migrate, but remain in an area around one square kilometer in size (about 7 square city blocks) year round.
White-tailed deer can be seen in many urban areas where deer overpopulation is a problem. Many homeowners feed the deer because they enjoy watching these browsers from their windows. The problem with feeding deer is that they can become a nuisance. Once they get comfortable eating the corn provided for them, they have less fear of humans and will eat landscape plants and garden vegetables. Deer love to eat the tender new growth of plants,often eating roses, and other favorite landscape plants. Feeding deer also leads to more fawns being born, and while that may sound desirable, it can lead to an overpopulation which usually means starvation for many animals. This is an issue many urban areas are dealing with today.
Read More at the Texas Parks & Wildlife 

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Large Animal Services

Large Animal Services

Our big animals need love too! 
That is why our very own Dr. Thompson makes those necessary house calls to service the large animals that are most comfortable in their own environment. 
Call today for all your large animals needs. (817) 404-9222

Services for Large Animals: 
  • Physical exams
  • Artificial insemination - fresh & frozen semen
  • Semen collection from stallions
  • Equine dental care - pneumatic floats
  • Lameness Exams
  • Pre-purchase exams
  • Health certificates for Interstate and Canadian transport
  • Freeze branding
  • Bovine herd health
  • Pregnancy diagnosis by ultrasound
  • Necropsy (autopsy)
  • Farm calls
  • Dehorning of bovines and goats

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Keep Pets Safe in the Heat

How and where to cool animals down when temps soar.

The summer months can be uncomfortable—even dangerous—for pets and people. It's difficult enough simply to cope with rising temperatures, let alone thick humidity, but things really get tough in areas that are hit with the double blow of intense heat and storm-caused power outages, sometimes with tragic results.
Read the full article from the Human Society

Thursday, August 23, 2018


The thought of a pet running away or being distracted by something running to chase it is a pet owners worst fear.  
A great way to increase the chances of finding your lost pet is having him/her microchipped.

At Thompson Veterinary Services we pride ourselves in helping families find their pets.  
Don't let another day go by without calling our office and making an appointment for your animal to be chipped today.  

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Whitetail Deer/ Cervidae Services

Whitetail Deer/
Cervidae Services

We understand the devastation of "everything went wrong, or I didn't think it could happen to me".  At Thompson Veterinary Services, we are passionate about getting you current and up-to-date education and medical services ensuring a healthy herd.
Please call and establish a rare, dedicated, and unique veterinary relationship today and ask about our new Whitetail Deer programs and services. The ONLY thing you have to lose.... is your herd!

Cervidae, commonly referred to as "the deer family", consists of 23 genera containing 47 species, and includes three subfamilies: Capriolinae (brocket deer, caribou, deer, moose, and relatives), Cervinae elk, muntjacs, and tufted deer), and Hydropotinae, which contains only one extant species, Chinese water deer
However, classification of cervids has been controversial and a single well-supported phylogenetic and taxonomic history has yet to be established.

Hot for the summer

To avoid these problems and enjoy the  summer season  with your  pet , here're the tips to keep in mind. Provide plenty of water and...