Thursday, September 13, 2018

Colloidal Silver

Is Colloidal Silver Good for your Dog?

Colloidal silver is a liquid antibiotic, anti-viral and anti-fungal. It has been touted as treating and preventing an assortment of conditions in both humans and animals.

Colloidal silver is a liquid antibiotic, anti-viral and anti-fungal. It has been touted as treating and preventing an assortment of conditions in both humans and animals.
Recently I got an email from Dogs Naturally Magazine and I found it very interesting that Colloidal silver has so many treating and prevention properties.

What’s Colloidal Silver Good For?

1. Infection

Colloidal silver is an all-around pathogen fighter. It’s a great one to keep in your medicine cabinet for any disease – whether it’s bacterial, fungal (yeast!) or viral in nature (it can even be used to help treat parvovirus). Plus, it can be used as a preventative when exposure to sick people or animals is unavoidable, and as a regular household cleaner to disinfect surfaces and areas.

2. Skin

Colloidal silver for dogs can also be used topically for skin infections like ringworm, wounds and burns. It’s soothing and repairs tissue damage.
Source: DNM

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