Monday, October 1, 2018

October is here!


October brings Pumpkin spice EVERYTHING!  It is also brings lots of fun days to celebrate our fur babies! Enjoy these awareness days! 


National Pit Bull Awareness Month
Adopt-A-Dog Month
Adopt-a-Shelter Dog Month
National Animal Safety and Protection Month


1st Full Week of October: Animal Welfare Week
1st Full Week of October: National Walk Your Dog Week
3rd Full Week of October: National Veterinary Technician Week


First Friday of Oct: World Smile Day
Second Monday of Oct: Canadian Thanksgiving
Second Wednesday of Oct: National Pet Obesity Awareness Day
October 1: International Coffee Day, National Fire Pup Day, National Black Dog Day
Oct 4: World Animal Day
Oct 5: National Do Something Nice Day
Oct 15: National Grouch Day
Oct 16: Global Cat Day
Oct 28: National Pitbull Awareness Day, National Chocolate Day
Oct 30: National Black Cat Day
Oct 31: Halloween


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