Friday, October 26, 2018

Small Animal Check ups

It is easy to get busy and forget about well visits for our animals. It happens, we get it. 
This blog post isn't here to make you feel bad or guilty. It is purely to educate you! 

Getting well checks for your pets can improve their quality of life and even help them live longer lives! 

The improvements in health care for our furry loved ones are incredible at detecting and preventing diseases! 
Setting up an appointment every six months could help your pet live its best life! Here are some of our services for small animal care:

Small Animal Services
Vaccinations and Preventative Care 
Heart Problems and Cardiac Failure  


Arthritis, Lameness, Limping, Pain 

Skin Problems, Rash, Bumps, Itching, Mites, Fleas, Ticks, Tumors, Ringworm, Skin infections 

Heartworm Disease and Prevention 

​Theriogenology (reproduction)

C sections and AI

Behavioral medicine and training

Senior care

International health certificates

Source: Original Content

At Thompson Veterinary Clinic we believe that animal education is important. We research to find the best articles, and information there is for our patient's care givers. If you have any questions or comments about this blog, please call Autumn at SeeMeKC
If you have questions, concerns, or if you want to make an appointment call Dr. Thompson's office at:  (817) 404-9222

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