Thursday, November 1, 2018

November is here!



Pet Cancer Awareness Month
National Senior Pet Month
Adopt a Senior Pet Month
Pet Diabetes Month


1st Week of November: National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week


4th Thursday of Nov: American Thanksgiving
November 1: National Cook for Your Pets Day
November 3: World Kindness Day
November 5: National Donut Day (#2! Because you can’t have just one!)
November 7: National Canine Lymphoma Awareness Day
November 11: Remembrance Day/Veteran’s Day
November 14: World Diabetes Day
November 17: National Take a Hike Day
November 26: National Cake Day

Source: Life learn

At Thompson Veterinary Clinic we believe that animal education is important. We research to find the best articles, and information there is for our patient's care givers. If you have any questions or comments about this blog, please call Autumn at SeeMeKC
If you have questions, concerns, or if you want to make an appointment call Dr. Thompson's office at:  (817) 404-9222

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