Friday, January 4, 2019

Why You Won’t See Your Dog's Heartworm Symptoms, Until it’s Advanced

Posts by: Dr. Mike Paul, DVM
Heartworm disease is caused by a mosquito transmitted parasite. If left untreated, it can be a debilitating disease and sometimes prove fatal. Pets infected with heartworms can be found in all states, in spite of the fact that very effective heartworm prevention products are available. The good news is that I’ve noticed more and more pet parents are wondering about the symptoms of heartworm disease. Unfortunately, most of the time you’re not going to see any, and here’s why:
Early signs of heartworm disease in dogs
It would be great news for pets and people if heartworm symptoms were always obvious, but the truth is they are generally invisible or unnoticeable. The development of heartworm disease is insidious until the overt clinical signs occur, and by then the disease has already affected your dog’s heart and lungs. Your dog could appear 100% healthy while the parasites are quietly making themselves right at home.

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