Tuesday, December 3, 2019

From Dr. Thompson

From Dr. T

December 2, 2019

Hey, hey, hey!! Wad up?!? This dogs' cholesterol/fat/triglycerides/amylase/ lipase jaaaaast to name a few! Yeppers!! I know, probably every veterinarian has or is posting pics of the same thing, but.....you know me from my past history, wanna/gotta show ya!! Nothing new to veterinary medicine, especially during this time of year. Hemorrhagic enteritis, pancreatitis, IBD....not inventing a new syndrome by any means BUT, able to show what blood from a dog given "extra treats," looks like!! Thanks grannie, uncle Harry, outcast Harold, & all the other "family," that, " just couldn't stand to have him look at me that way, so I just gave him a little." Well, then let me just give you a little.....of the vet bill you cost me!!! ðŸ˜§ðŸ˜³ Happy Holidays? Dr.T ðŸ˜Ž Be super cool as always ðŸ˜‰ THOMPSON VET SERVICES

November 27, 2019

Happy Pre T-day peeps! One of our dentals for the day. Just amazing to me still to this very day, how these animals adapt to certain conditions. This is a 13 yr. old geriatric. The halitosis this patient had 7 days ago was mind blowing, but owners stated within a day or < on antibiotics, the halitodiminishedshed considerably. Love it man!!! Pre-dental labs, anesthesia, & recovery were good and went well. I know, I posted a similar post about a dental we did, but MAN!!, this is just a too good of an opportunity to miss, not to instill how important regular dentals are for your "babies!!" Again, if that mouth smells like the "ars end"....take a look & get an appointment with your veterinarian!! Be cool, Dr.T

What can I say??? Busted!! Yep, he loves cheeseburgers, plain and dry....we do remove one side of the bread to help lower his carb intake!!🤓😳😉🤣🤣 He frick'n deserves it!! He puts up with me!! Love this guy! Dr.T ðŸ˜Ž

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