Monday, April 27, 2020

Helping Your Dog Survive During a Quarantine
Quarantine means no one goes out — and that includes your pup, unless you have a private outdoor space for them. Here’s how to help your dog thrive while you’re both stuck indoors.

Credit...Corey Jenkins/Getty Images
By Sassafras Lowrey
March 17, 2020

The only good thing about Covid-19 is that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C.D.C.), World Health Organization (W.H.O.) and other experts are in agreement that there are no meaningful signs that our pets can get this virus or spread it. That said, although our pets aren’t getting sick, Covid-19 is changing the lives of pets across the country, especially for dogs and in particular those living in apartments.

Prepare properly
If you are not yet quarantined and have time to prepare, think beyond toilet paper and instead, about supplies for your pets that you need to have on hand.

Heather Loenser, D.V.M. and senior veterinary officer at the American Animal Hospital Association, expressed concern that many pet owners weren’t going to be prepared with the supplies that they might need if they weren’t able to leave their homes for a couple of weeks. Pet food and cleaning supplies should be at the top of your list for things to stock up on. Dr. Loenser also advises pet guardians to plan to have extra monthly preventive medication for conditions like flea, tick and heartworm, as well as any prescription medication and specialty diets that your pet may need. If you are not yet needing to quarantine and your pet hasn’t been to the vet in a while, now is a good time to go and make sure that your pet is up-to-date on all vaccines.

The potty problem
A primary issue for urban dogs who are quarantined with their owners is the inability to go outside to relieve themselves. This is particularly concerning for dogs who live in apartments and who, under normal circumstances, must be walked multiple times a day, as opposed to dogs in other parts of the country who are able to use their private yards. Under quarantine dogs in apartments are going to need to do their business inside.


Source: NY Times

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