Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Covid 19

Time to learn something!! Always cool!! You may have heard back when Covid-19 raised its ugly head, during one of the Covid Task Force White House briefings, the director of the FDA talking about possible vaccine & medications being pursued in the fight against CoV-19, but he also mentioned....."Convalescent plasma(CP)" So this is some REALLY COOL STUFF!! You may already know this, but just hang on...Basically, the people who have truly had the virus, their body(immune system), in response to the virus made ANTIBODIES, which are super good!!! These antibodies can be "taken" from the blood of recovered patients, and used to help treat ongoing cases. Now this isn't likely to be a cure, but could be I guess, but it can be used to help fight the secondary bacterial infections that cause morbidity & mortality. We have been doing this in VETERINARY MEDICINE for years. We use hyperimmune serum to treat EPM, West Nile epidemic that hit the US back in the 90's, & other diseases. This serum is loaded with antibodies to these diseases, therefore helping improve the chances of better outcomes/recovery. This type of plasma is used to treat parvo & septicemias as well. My ears perked when he mentioned Covalescent Plasma!! That's why NOW they are setting up testing for Covid-19 antibodies!! This is just frick'n cool news. This will be such a huge POSITIVE in the treatment of this virus & the secondary bacterial infections that come in AFTER the virus breaks down the immune system. Just saying, maybe they need to start with people who back in Nov & Dec of last year had symptoms of chronic dry cough lasting 4-6 weeks, fever, tight chest/ hard to breathe, felt sore/ hurt like they had their asses kicked, and tested negative to flu & strep mutiple times....who knows, the potential for help has already been around. Science is greatness!! Have a good evening! Dr.T ✌😎

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