Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Help! My Puppy is Chewing Everything!

New Puppy

Yay! Congratulations on your new puppy!  It's so exciting bringing home a new bundle of joy.  You're so excited, tons of cute puppy selfies and cuddles! Awesome! And now they're chewing your favorite pair of shoes...and the children's toys...and your phone cord...and your hands... What do you do now?!

Stop the Chew

First, keep your stuff picked up.  If you don't want it chewed, remember this is a baby and just like you baby proof for a baby, you need to puppy proof too.  Then give your pup appropriate things to chew.  Give them DOG toys.  Don't get them that old sneaker to chew up, it will only confuse them.  Make sure to spend lots of time with your puppy, they won't learn if they are always alone.  Give them tons of exercise and make sure they have great toys to play with.  You can also get a chewing deterrent to spray on your furniture to make it taste bad for your dog.  Make sure that if your pup grabs something they aren't to have do not chase after them.  Call them and offer a treat when they come instead.  By chasing you're creating a game.  

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