Monday, April 16, 2018

Top 5 Reasons Fluffy Isn't Using the Litter Box

Yuck! The cat "missed"! 

If you find that your cat is using anything to go to the bathroom except the litter box there are many, many reasons why.  Here are 5 of the top reasons why your cat may be not using the litter box. 

  1. UTI - Yep. Cats get them too!  A trip to your vet can help you determine if this is the cause and give you treatment to take care of the infection.
  2. Did you get a new litter with that fancy scent?  Yeah, your cat hates it.  Try an unscented litter.
  3. When was the last time you cleaned your box?  You may have a picky cat that really just wants to do their business in a nice clean fresh box! 
  4. STRESS!  Yes, your cat can get stressed too.  New house? New baby? Did you get a dog? Or a new cat...don't be too surprised if your beloved feline protests in the form of peeing in the sink. 
  5. Do you have a covered box?  Many cats hate them. Think about it as going into a port-a-potty in your own house....yeah, we can't blame them for hating it! 

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