Monday, May 21, 2018

Does My Dog Look Like Me?

Can I look Like My Dog?

It's amazing how many people look like their dog. Maybe I should say how many people who's dogs look like them. So, what if I told you there is actually scientific data behind this? People tend to choose people that have similar characteristics to themselves, such as taste in music and sports, religion, politics, entertainment, and even similar physical characteristics. The same goes with pets. Maybe not the characteristics of religion or politics, but the physical characteristics, personality, and the aspects of getting a dog that is as physically active as you are. If you're not an avid runner, you're probably not going to go get yourself a dog that needs to be taken on long walks or runs daily, just as if you like your peace and quiet, a very vocal canine companion isn't going to be your first choice. Basically it comes down to we like things similar to ourselves. We like familiarity. How many times have you known yourself or someone else to go with something new if the other option is something you know you like? So when we choose our dog, we tend to go with things similar to ourselves, or what's familiar. Think about your physical characteristics and your personality. Do you have long or short hair? What color is it? Are you tall and lanky? Short? Have more of a round head? Are you outgoing? A runner? More of a couch potato? Now think about your dog or the type of dog you tend to favor. Is it a pure-breed or mutt? Long ears or short? Is it a larger dog or a toy type? Does it need to be walked all the time or is it's favorite spot in your lap? Now that you're thinking about it, you just realized you and your dog are more similar than you original thought, huh?

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