Friday, May 18, 2018

Hypoallergenic Pets?

What is a "Hypoallergenic" Pet?

Well, are you ready for the truth about hypoallergenic pets? They don't really exist. (unless you want a scaly or water loving pet) GASP!! We know, we know, the internet and everyone has been feeding you all this information about this breed and that and how they are hypoallergenic. Well, truth be told, they aren't but they are BETTER for people with allergies because they shed less and therefor have less dander. It's not really the hair that's the problem, it's the dander that is attached to it when the hair is shed.

What is dander?

Dander is the dead, dried flakes from your pet's skin and the proteins from their saliva that sticks to the flakes of skin. This is what people are allergic to. The dander sticks to the pet's hair and then the hair sticks to everything but the pet. And if your pet sheds a lot, then the more exposed to the proteins you are and the more allergy symptoms you're going to have. 

The Best Pets for People with Allergies

Portuguese Water Dog, Bichon Frise, Poodle, Devon Rex cat, Sphynx cat, Bedlington Terrier, Chinese Crested, Irish Water Spaniel, Kerry Blue Terrier, Labradoodle, Maltese, Schnauzers, Xoloitzcuintli, snakes, frogs, lizards, turtles, fish, and birds.

Ways to Help with Allergies

There are some things you can do to help your allergies if you have a pet. Brush them regularly, bathe the pet and their bedding once a week to help cut down on the dander, use a HEPA purifier and filters to reduce allergens, and as hard as it may be, don't sleep with your pet. You can also shampoo your carpet regularly, opt for hardwood floors (so the hair doesn't stick to the carpet), don't let your pet lick you (since the protein is in the saliva), get a smaller breed of dog (less dog, less dander), and vacuum the house and furniture often.

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