Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Surviving Fleas and Ticks

Fleas and Ticks...the annoying

Fleas and ticks are never fun.  They are bothersome and cause irritation on not only your pets but if they find their way into your home, they'll be bugging you too (HA!).  So how do you stop it? 


Preventing fleas and ticks from your pets is pretty easy.  Simply keep them up to date on a preventative medication that can be purchased from your vet or local store.  Make sure that if you are purchasing a preventative from the store you consult with your vet or at least do some great research on brands before making the choice. 


There are a few brands of preventatives that are dangerous and cause severe reactions to pets.  When in doubt contact your vet and do some research.  Always read the labels.  Do not overdose your pet.  Do not use dog preventatives for your cat and vice versa.  If you notice your pet behaving strangely after a dose of preventative get them to your vet or local emergency animal hospital immediately.  

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