Tuesday, May 8, 2018

National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day

National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day

When disaster strikes almost everyone has a plan.  You grab the kids and get to safety.  Do you have a plan for your pets? 


Think of all the common disasters that happen in your area.  Fires, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, or blizzards are all examples that you need to be prepared for.  

In the case of a wildfire or hurricane do you have a carrier big enough for your pet? Do you have room in your vehicle for your children, necessities, and your pets in the event you must evacuate? Don't forget your pets will need fresh water too just like your family. If you have a house fire, will your pet leave the house when you call and remain beside you or do you have a leash hanging right by the door just in case? 

What will you need to do to get your pet to shelter with your family?  Will they follow and be easy or will you need to carry your pet because they are scared of thunder?  Do you have emergency supplies for both your family and pets? 

What will you do if you're stranded in a blizzard and you lose power?  Make sure you have blankets, food, and water for the entire family including your fur baby.  

What are your emergency plans? 

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