Monday, May 28, 2018

Too Hot to Walk!

How Hot is Too Hot?

Fido wants to go out for a walk. He has his leash in his mouth and brought it to you. Now he's impatiently waiting by the door. "Let's go, mom", he barks. He doesn't understand that it's 95 degrees out there and you're concerned about his little feet. And at this point, he doesn't care. So how hot is too hot for you to take him on his walk? If you're able to go outside and place the BACK of your hand, not the palm, on the pavement and keep it there for 5 seconds, then it's okay to take him on his walk. Now, if you go out and place your hand on the pavement and the back of your hand starts to burn after 3 seconds and you can't keep your hand there, Fido is going to have to wait for that walk unless there is a nice grassy area for you to take him. If your pet is high-stepping, it's too hot for them, even if you did the 5 second back of the hand test. 

Tips for Walking Your Dog in Hot Weather

Take your pet for walks in the morning or in the evening when the pavement is cooler. Not only will this help prevent burns on their paws, it will make them less susceptible to overheating as the day gets warmer. Take a collapsible water bowl with you on your walk. If you notice your dog getting too hot, take a break and give him a drink. You'll already have the bowl with you. Take your dog on walks in the grass. No asphalt to walk on means no burns. Live in the city or don't have any grass for your dog to walk in? Check your local pet store for dog boots. There are many styles and sizes available in several price ranges to keep your pooch protected. If your dog can't do the boots, look for protective salve. If you suspect your pet has burns on their paws, take them to the vet. 

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