Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Are You Ready for a Cat?

Are You Ready For a Cat?

You've been thinking about getting a cat for awhile now and there's only a few more things you've decided to pin down before you actually go get one. But, are you REALLY ready for a cat? If you have this idea in your head of "I just need to clean out a litter pan every so often and feed it and give it fresh water" then the answer is no. Cats can live up to 15 years and some can actually live to be 20 or more, so if you're willing to put in a couple of decades worth of commitment, continue reading. If you're one of those people that just get goo-goo eyed over kittens and that's it, you are not ready for a cat.
For those of you that are still with us, let's continue. If you're going for a kitten, be prepared for "around" 15 years of commitment to your new found friend. Feeding, watering, litter changes, play time, cuddles, head boops, and let's not forget the temperamental "I do what I want because I'm cat" side. If you have commitment issues, maybe a kitten isn't the best for you. There's lost of older cats in shelters that need love, too, and would absolutely love spending the last few years of their lives in a loving home instead of a shelter. 

Cats are not low maintenance creatures. "It's not a dog, so I don't have to do near the amount of things with it that I would if it were a dog". Wrong. You need to have plenty of time when you first bring your cat home so the two of you can bond, unless you're going for a cat that is totally aloof and semi-feral in your home, but hey, why are we to judge. Cats take a lot of time to adjust to their surroundings and to socialize with you (and your other pets, if that's the case). You also need to spend time with your cat every day after that initial adjustment period just giving him attention, playtime, and affection. 

Cats are not dogs, so if you want a cat that acts like a dog, just get a dog. Cats do lots of odd things to show their affection to their human, but running to the door and allowing you to pet them for hours at a time are not it. If this is what you're looking for, a cat may not be it.

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