Monday, June 11, 2018

Cats for People with Allergies

Cat Allergies 

Are you allergic to cats? Do you know that your allergy is actually from the dander (we talked about this in our blog on 5/18) and saliva. And get this, it can also be from proteins in the cat's urine. There's no cure for allergies to cats, but over time to can build up a tolerance to the allergens of your cat. 

Cats For People with Allergies

While anyone can build up a tolerance to any type of cat over time, there are some cat breeds that are better for allergies and easier to build a tolerance to. These breeds are better because they have less dander, shed less, and don't need to be groomed as often. The Russian Blue, Siberian, and Balinese produce less of the protein that allergy sufferers tend to be allergic to.
1. Sphynx
2. Siberian
3. Russian Blue
4. Devon Rex
5. Cornish Rex
6. Oriental
7. Balinese 

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