Monday, June 25, 2018

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Cats

25 Cat Facts 

1. Cats and humans have lived together for nearly 10,000 years.
2. Cats sleep on average 13-14 hours a day.
3. Cats can hear high-frequency sounds up to two-octaves higher than humans. 
4. Cats are the most popular pet in the U.S.
5. Cats make about 100 different sounds. 
6. People still don't know how cats purr.
7. A group of cats is called a clowder.
8. A cat's hairball is a bezoar.
9. Cats can run up to 31 mph over short distances.
10. Cats keep their head level when they hunt.
11. When cats walk, their back feet step almost exactly in the same spot where their front feet were. 
12. Cats can see so well at night, they can see at light levels 6 times lower than humans need to see. 
13. On average, cats live 12-15 years.
14. Cats can only climb up and down things one way because all their claws point in the same direction. This makes it impossible for them to climb head first down. They must back down. 
15. Cats brains are more similar to humans. They both have the same regions in their brains responsible for emotions.
16. The earliest ancestor of the domestic cat lived approximately 30 million years ago. 
17. When a family cat died in Ancient Egypt, the family mourned by shaving off their eyebrows and holding elaborate funerals. The cat would be embalmed with a tiny wooden sculpted mask and the mummy placed in the family tomb.
18. Smuggling a cat out of Ancient Egypt was punishable by death.
19. A cat can jump up to 5 times its height in one single jump.
20. Cats usually have about 12 whiskers on each side of their face. 
21. Cats can't move their jaw sideways.
22. Cats don't meow at other cats, only at humans.
23. Cats have 53 loose fitting vertebrae, making them extremely flexible.
24. Cats don't have collarbones. This makes them able to fit through any hole the size of their head.
25. Every cat's nose pad is ridged in a unique pattern. Think of each cat's nose print like that of a human's finger print.

So what is something new you learned? 

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