Friday, June 22, 2018

Take Your Dog to Work

Take Your Dog to Work Day 

Did you know there was a Take Your Dog to Work Day? Ever since 1999 when the first Take Your Dog to Work Day, or TYDTWD, was held and 300 companies nationwide participated. TYDTWD is an annual event and is always held on the Friday following Father's Day. TYDTWD also accommodates other pets, for those who don't have dogs, and the entire week prior to TYDTWD is the annual Take Your Pet to Work Week. So why have a TYDTWD? It was started by Pet Sitters International in an attempt to show the bond between dogs and their owners as well as promote adoptions. Pet Sitters International felt that if non-pet owners were able to see the bond between pet owners and their pets with their own eyes, then they would be more likely to want a pet of their own to have that type of bond themselves. They were right. Since the first TYDTWD, America's love of pets has skyrocketed and more companies hare allowing people to bring their pets to work. If your company doesn't participate in TYDTWD, you can bring the idea up to higher ups yourself. Chances are there are other people, maybe even the boss man or lady that would love to bring their pet with them for the day. The benefits of having your pet at work can actually make you more productive, lower your blood pressure, reduce stress, and have a calming effect on the office. What boss is going to say no to having a more productive staff? Just keep in mind that some co-workers may have allergies, keep your pet on leash, clean up any accidents, and keep your pet out of any no-go areas like the kitchen. 

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