Friday, June 1, 2018

Reasons to Adopt a Shelter Cat

Adopt a Cat Month

Since June is adopt a cat month or adopt a shelter cat month, whichever you'd like to go with, we thought we'd make a blog about why you should adopt a shelter cat. How about we start with around 2.7 million dogs and cats are euthanized in the U.S because there are too many pets coming into shelters and not enough people considering adoption as an option for a pet. 

Reasons to Adopt Shelter Cats

1. You'll be saving more than just one life. When you adopt a shelter cat, you save that cat's life as well as open up space for another cat.
2. You'll be getting an awesome pet. Most pets in shelters are there to no fault of their own, but because of a family not able to keep it because of a move or divorce.
3. You'll get a pet that's already spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and possibly microchipped all included in the price of the adoption. 
4. The shelter probably has every color of cat imaginable so you can pick whichever kitty tickles your fancy!
5. Adopting a shelter cat can be good for your health. Unconditional love, emotional boosts, less stress, and a sense of pride by saving a shelter kitty.
6. Bragging rights. You just saved a cat. And that kitty saved you. 

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