Monday, June 4, 2018

Pet Appreciation Week

Pet Appreciation Week

Did you know the first week of June is pet appreciation week? No? Well, now you do! And now you need some ways to show them you appreciate them! Your pet shows you they appreciate you every day with unconditional love and patiently waiting for your return from work and running errands all day. Let's face it, nothing says "I love you and missed you soooo much" like those wet puppy kisses and hugs, dances and barks at the door, and the cat's meows with them skirting in and out of your feet as you walk from one room to the other. 

Ways to Appreciate Your Dog

1. Play with them. This is the easiest way to show your dog you love them. Grab a rope and play tug-o-war, fetch, or just wrestle around on the floor with them. 
2. Take them on day trips to the dog park. Or for a walk. Grabbing the leash and saying "let's go!" may be enough to excite them, so imagine how excited they'll be when you actually get to the park or you're on that walk!
3. Greet them when you get home! Remember when I said above about how excited they get when you get home? Greet them with that same enthusiasm.
4. Good behavior demands a reward. This lets your dog know you appreciate them being a "good boy".
5. Cuddles! 
6. Food and treats. You'd be surprised at how easy it is to please your pooch with some peanut butter treats. 
7. Make sure you're taking her to the vet for her annual or bi-annual checkups. 

Ways to Appreciate Your Cat

1. Just like dogs, cats need play time, too. Those little sticks with the strings and feathers on them? Kitties love them! Even just a long piece of yarn will make your cat happy. All you gotta do is drag it in front of them. Oh, and laser pointers! 
2. Groom her. Cats show each other affection by grooming each other. Your cat may even groom you. Find a pet brush and start with short grooming sessions until she gets used to it. After awhile your cat will be loving the time you spend grooming her. 
3. Show your cat affection when they show you affection. Cats can be temperamental and sometimes it's hard to tell when they're showing you affection. When they "mark" you as their "territory", they're loving you and want the same in return. Consider it the same as getting a kitty kiss. 
4. Back to cats being temperamental. You need to take the time to figure out what they like and don't like. Unlike dogs, who (almost) all enjoy a good belly scratch and ear rub, every single cat is completely different than the last. If one of your cats like to have his ears rubbed a certain way, then do it every time and let him know you love him. But if your other cat doesn't like it, give her those back scratches she loves.
5. Treats. Same as those pups, give your kitty a treat to reward him for good behavior. 
6. Lastly, make sure to get them to the vet for those check ups. 

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