Monday, July 9, 2018

Help Your Pet Beat the Heat

Help Your Pet Beat the Heat

We've been talking a lot about beating the heat and the dangers that come with the heat for your pets. As long as there are people who are still thinking it's okay to leave their pets in the hot car while they got into the store for "just a minute", we're going to keep preaching about the dangers and how to "beat the heat". 

1. Keep fresh water available at all times for your pet. 
2. Your pet needs 1 ounce of water per 1 pound of their body weight. If you have an 80 pound dog, he needs 80 ounces of water available to him. If your cat weighs 12 pounds, she needs 12 ounces of water.
3. Dogs sweat and keep themselves cool by panting. 
4. Cats sweat through their paws.
5. Make sure shade is available when outside.
6. Bring your pets inside to the air conditioning.
7. Rub them with damp towels. Dogs would probably appreciate a run through a hose or dog pool. We can't say the same thing for cats, though. 
8. Make them some frozen treats. 
9. Get them a cooling pad to lay on. 
10. Brush them daily to get rid of all that shedding undercoat. 
11. Don't laugh - freeze your dogs toys. Put them in some water and chicken broth and freeze them. It will also stimulate their mind while giving them a nice frozen treat to help them cool off.

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