Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Poisonous Plants to your Pets

Poisonous Plants to Your Pets 

When you think of poisonous plants, you may think of things inside your home that your cat or dog may get into, like holly or lilies. What about what you may have growing in your backyard? Like an apple tree? Sure your horse may love them, but were you aware your dog shouldn't have them? And even then, there's certain parts of the apple your horse shouldn't have. We found an awesome article that has a list of toxic and non-toxic plants for your pets. It even breaks it down so you can click on what kind of pet you'd like to check out. Wanna know what kinds of plants is toxic to your horse? Click on horse under the toxic column. Wanna know what kinds of plants are non-toxic to your dog or cat? Click on dog or cat under the non-toxic column. We found this list on the ASPCA's website and there are 1027 items listed so if you don't want to look through them all, we suggest clicking on the animal and the type of plant your looking for. It even shows you the photo of the plant so you know EXACTLY what you're looking at.

Keep your babies safe!

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