Monday, October 29, 2018

A dog's color could impact longevity, increase health issues

Chocolate, yellow and black labs.

New research led by the University of Sydney has revealed the life expectancy of chocolate Labradors is significantly lower than their black and yellow counterparts.
The study of more than 33,000 United Kingdom-based Labrador retrievers of all colours shows chocolate Labradors also have a higher incidence of ear infections and skin disease. Its findings were published in the open access journal Canine Genetics and Epidemiology today.
Part of the University's VetCompass™ Programme, which collects and analyses electronic patient data on dogs, the research is being replicated in Australia, where Labradors are the most popular breed of dog.
In the UK, the median longevity of non-chocolate Labradors is 12.1 years, more than 10 percent longer than those with chocolate coats. The prevalence of ear inflammation (otitis externa) was twice as high in chocolate Labradors, who were four times more likely to have suffered from pyo-traumatic dermatitis (also known as hot-spot).

To read this full Article please visit: Science Daily

Source: Science Daily

At Thompson Veterinary Clinic we believe that animal education is important. We research to find the best articles, and information there is for our patient's care givers. If you have any questions or comments about this blog, please call Autumn at SeeMeKC
If you have questions, concerns, or if you want to make an appointment call Dr. Thompson's office at:  (817) 404-9222

Friday, October 26, 2018

Small Animal Check ups

It is easy to get busy and forget about well visits for our animals. It happens, we get it. 
This blog post isn't here to make you feel bad or guilty. It is purely to educate you! 

Getting well checks for your pets can improve their quality of life and even help them live longer lives! 

The improvements in health care for our furry loved ones are incredible at detecting and preventing diseases! 
Setting up an appointment every six months could help your pet live its best life! Here are some of our services for small animal care:

Small Animal Services
Vaccinations and Preventative Care 
Heart Problems and Cardiac Failure  


Arthritis, Lameness, Limping, Pain 

Skin Problems, Rash, Bumps, Itching, Mites, Fleas, Ticks, Tumors, Ringworm, Skin infections 

Heartworm Disease and Prevention 

​Theriogenology (reproduction)

C sections and AI

Behavioral medicine and training

Senior care

International health certificates

Source: Original Content

At Thompson Veterinary Clinic we believe that animal education is important. We research to find the best articles, and information there is for our patient's care givers. If you have any questions or comments about this blog, please call Autumn at SeeMeKC
If you have questions, concerns, or if you want to make an appointment call Dr. Thompson's office at:  (817) 404-9222

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Oldest evidence of horse veterinary care discovered in Mongolia

Credit William Taylor, Science Daily

A team of scholars, led by William Taylor of the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History, analyzed horse remains from an ancient Mongolian pastoral culture known as the Deer Stone-Khirigsuur Culture (ca. 1300-700 BC). Deer stones, with their beautiful deer carvings, and their accompanying stone mounds (khirigsuurs) are famous for the impressive horse burials that are found alongside them in the dozens, hundreds, or even thousands. Through careful study of skeletal remains from these burials, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and funded in part by a grant from the National Geographic Society, Taylor and colleagues found that Deer Stone-Khirigsuur people began using veterinary dental procedures to remove baby teeth that would have caused young horses pain or difficulty with feeding -- the world's oldest known evidence for veterinary dental care.
Read the full Article: Science Daily
Source: Science Daily

At Thompson Veterinary Clinic we believe that animal education is important. We research to find the best articles, and information there is for our patient's care givers. If you have any questions or comments about this blog, please call Autumn at SeeMeKC
If you have questions, concerns, or if you want to make an appointment call Dr. Thompson's office at: 
(817) 404-9222

Thursday, October 11, 2018

New Version of Canine Flu Now Infecting Cats


The “new” version of canine flu (H3N2) that began as a 2015 outbreak in the Chicago area is back in the news.
The latest surveillance data available through Cornell University shows that positive test results have been identified in dogs from 29 states. But even more interesting is the recent report from the University of Wisconsin’s School of Veterinary Medicine revealing that a group of cats housed in a Northwest Indiana shelter have tested positive for the H3N2 canine influenza virus.
According to Sandra Newbury, Clinical Assistant Professor and Director of the Shelter Medicine Program at University of Wisconsin:
“Suspicions of an outbreak in the cats were initially raised when a group of them displayed unusual signs of respiratory disease,” Newbury says. “While this first confirmed report of multiple cats testing positive for canine influenza in the U.S. shows the virus can affect cats, we hope that infections and illness in felines will continue to be quite rare.”
We already knew that feline infections were possible because South Korea cats were infected with this version of the virus when it was first identified, and one cat did test positive for the disease in the United States last year, but now the University of Wisconsin reports that it “appears the virus can replicate and spread from cat to cat.”
 “Sequential sampling of these individual cats have shown repeated positives and an increase in viral loads over time,” Kathy Toohey-Kurth, virology section head at the Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory says. Eight cats tested positive on consecutive tests. More had similar clinical signs but “recovered quickly before testing and tested negative.”
Dogs in the shelter did have H3N2 canine influenza when the feline infections were diagnosed, but the cats were housed in a separate part of the facility and the “cat areas were cleaned prior to cleaning the dog areas.” This just goes to show how contagious this particular flu virus can be.


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Wellness Plans

Thompson Veterinary Services Wellness PlanHave you ever thought getting your pet insurance for your family pet? Seems kind of far fetched, right? 
Well, actually it is a pretty sweet deal!
At Thompson Vet we actually offer a great wellness option for your loved one.

We know your priority is to offer the best health care and quality of life for pets in your care. That’s why we use Premier Pet Care Plan.
With vaccinations, regular health checks, flea and heartworm treatments all planned in throughout the year, and managed with low monthly payments, it’s the easy way for vets and owners to have happy and healthy pets.

Here are the benefits:

  Savings
  Budget their finances
  Spreading the cost
  Get extra discounts
  Good medicine for their pets
  Feel like better pet owners
  Less Stress
  Increase the life span of their pets
  Help prevent emergency visits
  Allows clients to be more proactive then reactive
  Visits are more positive for client, perception of free experience
  More positive for the pet, not just coming in when sick
  Client feels like a VIP member and part of an elite group
  Stronger relationship built with Vet and Staff
  Know the upfront cost for their pets
  Peace of mind for the clients knowing their pets are going to be checked every 6 months
  Clients know that they are getting the needed products and services for their pets
  Not paying extra for what they do not need- everything has value
  Puppies/Kittens are receiving the initial course at a savings
  Senior pet owner can find relieve knowing they will get extra discounts
  Get more from the plan, than what they could afford before
  No single doses of prevention- they were getting single doses because that was all they
     could afford
  Clients can take all pets in at the same time to practice-spreads the cost
  No large upfront fees
  Set it and forget it- auto-draft
  Financially gives pet owners opportunity to bring all of their pets to the vet
  Wellness plans make excellent gifts for family and friends!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Monthly Maintenance for your pet is so important. 
Excessive nail growth can actually be painful and cause discomfort for your pet. 
Unmanaged hair can cause matting and that can be very painful also, as well as dangerous.

Grooming doesn't have to be expensive. Some facilities allow you to bathe them yourself prior to grooming.  Routine monthly grooming includes, a bathe and 
grooming it is usually $45 at a facility in the midwest. 

If that is still out of your budget, there are YouTube videos that can help you learn how to properly 
trim nails, brush hair, and groom your pet correctly. 
If you are in the Springtown, TX surrounding area, you may call us for a referral.  

Monday, October 1, 2018

October is here!


October brings Pumpkin spice EVERYTHING!  It is also brings lots of fun days to celebrate our fur babies! Enjoy these awareness days! 


National Pit Bull Awareness Month
Adopt-A-Dog Month
Adopt-a-Shelter Dog Month
National Animal Safety and Protection Month


1st Full Week of October: Animal Welfare Week
1st Full Week of October: National Walk Your Dog Week
3rd Full Week of October: National Veterinary Technician Week


First Friday of Oct: World Smile Day
Second Monday of Oct: Canadian Thanksgiving
Second Wednesday of Oct: National Pet Obesity Awareness Day
October 1: International Coffee Day, National Fire Pup Day, National Black Dog Day
Oct 4: World Animal Day
Oct 5: National Do Something Nice Day
Oct 15: National Grouch Day
Oct 16: Global Cat Day
Oct 28: National Pitbull Awareness Day, National Chocolate Day
Oct 30: National Black Cat Day
Oct 31: Halloween


Hot for the summer

To avoid these problems and enjoy the  summer season  with your  pet , here're the tips to keep in mind. Provide plenty of water and...