Tuesday, February 26, 2019

National Responsible Pet Owners Month

The month of February is National Responsible Pet Owners Month! Animals have been our companions for thousands of years, whether it be cats, dogs, horses or even cows. Owning a pet is great fun, but also a great responsibility. 

Here are some tips for being the best pet owner you can be:

Make sure your pet is getting a healthy diet and plenty of exercise.

Different types of animals need different types of diets, which means it's your job as a pet owner to make sure the food you're giving your pet is right for them. Obesity in animals is very common but can be detrimental to your pets health!

Bring your pet to the vet for regular checkups.

Bringing your pet in for a checkup at least once a year is essential in making sure your pet is healthy and happy. Your vet will check for any signs of illnesses that you may not be aware of!

Make sure your pet is groomed and has good hygiene.

All pets need regular baths and haircuts, but some breeds might need to be groomed more often than others. Keeping clean ears and teeth should also be a regular routine to keep dental disease away!

Pet-proof your home.

Sometimes, we don't realize the things in our own homes could be potentially dangerous for pets. Some house plants can be poisonous to pets if eaten, so always be cautious of what your pet could get into!

We hope these tips have inspired you to become the most responsible pet owner ever!

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