Thursday, May 28, 2020

A quick not from Dr. T

Good evening, good evening! Dr.T 😎Real fast!! Hey know our people involved in the healthcare profession & law enforcement are laying it all out on the line out there for everyone, & for that, whether you know it or is TRULY APPRECIATED & we are GRATEFUL to have you; please know that.
BUT! There is another another group of people who have maybe been "recognized" but probably not as much as they should be being recognized....that group of people would be all of those individuals who are working their asses off to put products on our grocery shelves. That would encompass the people who load the trucks, the truck drivers who sometime have to wait 2-3 days in their trucks just to unload their products, the people who unload the trucks at the grocery stores, the stockers working form 9 p to 9a to stock the shelves, the store managers who have been staying at the stores, away from their families, to make sure things get done before the doors open. SO, just maybe the next time we are in a grocery store, instead of being frustrated because" they still don't have this or they still don't have that.....why don't we try being grateful for what they do have, & saying THANK YOU & WE APPRECIATE YOU. Bet that would make their day to know what they are doing really matters to someone. What do you think? Just saying. Dr.T 😎

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