Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Good morning! Hoping this finds you & your fam. in good health. Anyone having issues buying milk? Any signs posted on the doors to the dairy case, limiting purchases of milk to one (1) gallon? Any one curious why that would be occurring? First thing one would think would be, "There must be a shortage of milk, so they are limiting the amount we can purchase so we don't run out....duuuuh." That's how we are conditioned to think now, without questioning. True with some products/materials, but not so much with milk. I have been following this and the decline of beef prices (even though demand has increased) & it's interesting to find, when other sources of info are accessed, & not the "doom-gloom" of mainstream "panic news," that milk is readily available!!!! But you will have to go where it is. And where is that you will have to go???? Grocery store?? Nope! The fields where milk is being dumped because there is "decreased demand" for this product. Understand schools and restaurants are major consumers of milk & milk products...ok fact. But if that's the case, wouldn't there be say....potentially more? milk available because of the lack of purchasing by these two entities( schools & restaurants) & therefore more milk "should be" available to purchase in stores? Maybe it's the logistics of getting the milk to the stores? Go look into this situation. Checkout Ag websites because one will become better informed of how agriculture is working through this crisis to help keep QUALITY FOOD products in the stores, on your table, & in your mouths!! "AGRICULTURE! IT'S WHAT FOR DINNER!!"

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