Thursday, May 7, 2020

Cool Cat

Ok!! Hey good morning!!
This fine looking cool cat came in yesterday with the primary concern of eating bunnies over the past few days...and now is unable to swallow completely, but can breathe normally.
No pawing at the mouth or gagging. Patient was "able to eat", but the food came immediately back up. Palpation of the laryngeal region produced an immediate cough, & patient was frequently licking its lips and trying to swallow, annnnnnd......there was a small palpable "object" to the left of the larynx (esophagus follow the trachea on left side for about this 1st third of the length before moving to a dorsal position for a segment...).
Patient wasn't in respiratory distress so....plan of action!! Lets decrease the amount of inflammation that may be around the "obstruction" before going in and trying to yank it out causing maybe further damage. There are different ways to handle this I'm sure and're not "in the arena."
Began antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and went NPO. This a.m., patient was not producing an immediate cough, licking of lips and exaggerated swallowing had resolved. So here is what we pulled out......enjoy!! It's not stupendous or death defying I get it, but it is pretty cool....again, ENJOY!! Now let's frick'n EDUCATE!! and put this into a discussion.
Let's learn!!! What would be some complications that may be encountered with a laryngeal foreign body post removal??? And what would you do...need input from soon to graduate vet students!! Don't give me "Ivory Tower" Think for yourself....Dr.T 😎

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