Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Notes from Dr. T

Good morning!!

Hope your weekend was good, maybe got a little crazy?!? Hey!! Incase you haven't noticed, but have the "allergies" hit with a VENGEANCE OR WHAT!!! 😳😳
What's even crazier man, is that the cases we have been seeing for the past 2 months, have been involving like, one ear in dogs and "bumps"(Miliary dermatitis) in cats. These ear cases come in all kinds of jacked up; ear swollen, red, painful, brownish-yellow crap coming out of it, some with hematomas, owners with bloodshot eyes from not getting sleep because the dog is scratching &/or doing that low mournful growl as the dog slowly digs in the affected ear, then smells and licks the the foot it used to scratch it with; time for "Morning kisses!" I'm good, but thanks; NOT!! It is OFFICIALLY, without a doubt, ALLERGY SEASON!!! 😳😳😳😢😢!!! And the FRICK'N FLEAS have come out on a true mission as well!! (Be thinking Vectra or Bravecto baby!!)
Here it is. Allergies can be managed to a degree, but one HAS TO be PROACTIVE!! Get the flea preventative, don't wait until your dog or cat get secondary staph infections of the skin, get a call into your vet.....LETS GET SOME KIND OF RELIEF for your pet....AND YOU!! Guys, nothing works all the time, but with consistent management and ACTION, there can be improvement. One word of CAUTION though. Long term, consistent( every day & in many case every day of every month) use of Prednisone or Prednisolone is not a good thing. To get an animal "out of a flare" to prevent more trauma to the skin of these affected fur babies...SURE THING, but not for the long term unless being frequently monitored(liver & kidney enzymes). I truly wish there was one "Universal Cure" but as many of you know who battle allergies on a personal level, some remedies work better than others, & what may have worked in the past, doesn't work now..Different allergens out there!! GIVE US A CALL TODAY, and let's get you & your scratching, miserable fur baby in for some MUCH NEEDED and APPRECIATED RELIEF!!! Be a beast today!! Your support is so very greatly appreciated; we are grateful. ✌OUT! Dr.T 😎

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