Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tricks for Training Your New Puppy - Part 2. Potty Training

Potty Training

No one wants to clean up doggy puddles...or worse.  So how do you make sure that your sweet new puppy won't be leaving you unpleasant gifts?  You potty train them!  

Key Points

Control your puppy's diet.  Make sure you have scheduled feedings and keep the schedule consistent.  Make sure you have regular trips outside, exercise, and feeding times.  Giving your new puppy lots of exercise will also help to keep your puppy's super energy under control and keep them from other bad behaviors.  Use positive reinforcements during outside time.  When your puppy goes potty outside make sure to reward them for it, a ton of praise and love is perfectly fine for this reward, it doesn't have to be food related.  


Crate Training

Teaching your new pup to love their crate is a very beneficial lesson that will help you both out throughout their life.  Dogs naturally love being in a den and creating a space for them will actually be a comfort.  Dogs will also not soil the place that they are sleeping as long as their crate is the right size.  If your crate is too small your puppy won't be comfortable, but too large they can use a corner for their waste and still be comfortable in another area.  Make sure your dog can stand up, lay down, and turn around.   When your puppy starts whining and showing signs they need to go potty take them out right away. 

Puppy pads

These can be confusing for your new puppy, but in some cases such as a very small dog being home for long periods of time while you're at work.  They can be used to teach a puppy to only use the bathroom in this one approved spot and then as they mature they can be trained to only go outside when their body is able. 


A tiny pup cannot go long after eating or drinking before going potty.  Having a schedule where they go outside first thing in the morning, after each meal, after drinking,  after crate time, after a nap, after chewing on their toys or bones, after spending time playing, and right before bedtime. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Tricks for Training Your New Puppy - Part 1. Behavior

Tricks for Training Your New Puppy

A puppy is such a sweet little additon to your family!  Much like children there is a lot of work that comes with having a puppy in your home.  You may have some chewed up toys, shoes, furniture. You might have a few puddles in your home you wish you didn't.  The key to a happy realationship with your new puppy is training.  


The first thing to teach your puppy is to come on command.  Using a rewards system teach your puppy Come _____.  Good boy/girl!  Using rewards and positivity to will enforce this lession and become extremely usful as your puppy grows.  

Stop those jump ups early.  When your puppy jumps at you simply ingore him/her.  Do not praise or pick up your puppy for this behavoir.  When your puppy calms down and stops jumping praise them and go down to their level for a nice rewarding cuddle.  

Move quickly.  Puppies won't remember their behavior in 2 minutes from now, you cannot wait to correct bad behavior.  Such as if your pup is on the couch and this is not allowed, immediately remove them, don't let it go for a bit, immediately take action.  

To stop biting and nipping act like you're in great pain.  This will surprise your puppy and usually stop this behavior.  If it does not work, or you prefer, trade your hands with a chewing toy.  

Start immediate training to help your puppy not become food aggressive.  This is extremely important if you have children.  While a puppy is eating doing small things such as stepping towards their food quickly and rewarding no reaction by dropping in a treat, or rolling a toy close by and again rewarding the pup for continuing their meal calmly, gently touches, nudges, and pets should also be trained.  If your puppy becomes threatening by growly, freezing, or snapping at you make sure to stop and try again later.  If you cannot get through any meals without your puppy becoming aggressive consult with a professional. 

Monday, January 22, 2018

What You Need to Know Before Adopting a Bird

What You Need to Know Before Adopting a Bird

Do you love birds?  If you're thinking of adding a bird to your family there are several things to consider before adopting a winged friend into your home. 

1. Many types of birds are very messy, loud, and destructive.  Be prepared for birds to be vocalizing, dropping food and waste that may land outside their cage, and chew through things.  Birds chew and shred wood and they can easily make it through toys, curtains, power cords, paper, curtains, and your furniture. 

2. Parrots are beautiful birds that many people love to have.  However, did you know a parrot could live to be 50 years old?  Having one as a pet is a long-term investment. 

3 Birds should never be exposed to tobacco smoke, chemical fumes such as hairspray or cleaners, or Teflon coated materials.  This is because birds expel nearly all of their air during their breathing cycle.  Humans empty a portion of our air as we breathe out, bird expel nearly all of it which means with each inhale they are bringing in more pollutants.

4. Birds need to go to a veterinarian that specializes in bird care.  Your beloved vet who take great care of your cat, may not be able to take care of your bird as well. 

Friday, January 19, 2018

5 Tips for Keeping Your Pet Warm on Winter Walks

5 Tips for Keeping Your Pet Warm on Winter Walks

When it's cold outside you bundle up!  But what about your pets?  How are you keeping them warm while on a walk this winter? 

Here are some great tips to keep your dog happy on those chilly walks! 

  1. Keep their toe hairs clipped so that ice does not form causing them problems. 
  2. Invest in some doggy boots for your furry family members.
  3. Wipe their paws.  This is very important.  Use a warm washcloth to wipe off the cold snow and also chemicals that may have been used to pre-treat.
  4. Moisturize their little paws with a safe option such as coconut oil.  Their paws can become dry and cracked just like our skin can.  
  5. Keep is short!  

Thursday, January 18, 2018

How to Keep Your Pet Entertained Indoors During Bad Weather

How to Keep Your Pet Entertained Indoors During Bad Weather

If bad weather is keeping your pets indoors they can quickly start to drive you crazy!  We've found some great ways to keep those pets entertained and happy with the more confined day of being indoors.
  1.  Hide and Seek for treats!  Hide a few of their favorite treats around the house for them to get a good smell of and let the hunt begin.  You can make this as easy or as challenging as you'd like for your pet.
  2. Tug of war! If the kids are stuck inside to a great game of tug of war can keep everyone entertained! 
  3. Chase.  Instead of your pet running around like crazy through the house find a favorite toy such as a tennis ball or a jingling ball depending on if you have a cat or dog, and roll it down a hall or across the room.  It will keep them from going all over the place trying to find something to do.
  4. Chase Level 2.  If you have stairs, sit at the top and play chase down the stairs.  This is a great (if noisy) way to wear your hyper pet out.
  5.  And finally, most important CUDDLES!  Once you've worn your fur baby out it's time for some Netflix and Cuddles! 

Hot for the summer

To avoid these problems and enjoy the  summer season  with your  pet , here're the tips to keep in mind. Provide plenty of water and...