Friday, June 8, 2018

Reasons to Hug Your Pet

Hugging Your Pet

Before you run home and grab your pet up into a huge bear hug, you should know that not all pets like to be hugged. Hugging is more of a human thing, although there are pets that will climb into their human's lap and wrap their front legs around them into a full on pet hug. So, if your pet likes to give hug, go on and wrap them in a full hug. If not, maybe more of a side hug will suffice. 

Why You Should Hug Your Pet

1. Hug to bond with them. 
2. Emotional healing for both you and your pet.
3. It's good for your pet's health.
4. Better sleep.
5. Healing purposes.
6. Increased social interactions of your pet.
7. It's comforting 

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