Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Dogs in Pools

Dogs in the Pool

If you have a dog and a pool, chances are you've already had him in the pool. If not, maybe you've considered it. There's nothing wrong with letting your pooch in your pool, but there are some things you need to know to keep him safe in and around the pool.

Pool Safety for Dogs

Make sure your dog knows how to swim. Seems like a no brainer, right? Well, there are dogs that don't actually know how to swim, so you may need to teach him. Make sure your pooch knows where the exit is. It may seem funny watching him swim in circles trying to find the way out, but he's going to get exhausted and exhausted dogs can drown. Make sure you're showing him where the steps are and keep leading him back to them from various points in the pool so he gets familiar with where they are no matter where he is. This will also help him avoid panicking in case he accidentally falls in the pool. Make sure your dog is comfortable. If he takes off and seems good to go on the first introduction to the pool, then you're all set. If he seems like he isn't sure of himself and the pool, try again another time. You may have to try a few times to get your pooch over his fear of the pool. Always supervise your dog when he's in or around the pool. Accidents happen and it's better to have a watchful eye in case of an emergency situation. 

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