Monday, April 30, 2018

Snake Bites and How to Protect Your Pet


Pets are curious creatures and like to explore.  They will find all of the little creatures that they think are fun to play with and sometimes that can lead to trouble for them.  One risk they find is dangerous creatures to bother that can bite or sting them.   One big risk in our area is snakes, especially copperheads and rattlesnakes. 

What does it do? 

The vaccine works by generating protective antibodies against the rattlesnake venom. It helps your dog by making them experience less pain and have a reduced risk of permanent injury from the bites.  It is important to know that while this helps your pet you need to still get your fur baby to the vet as soon as possible to be checked out.  

Monday, April 23, 2018

A Note from Dr. T!!

From Dr. T!

Hey, hey, hey!! Hope all had an absolute phenomenal weekend!! I sat around eating Moon Pies and drinking Dr.Pepper, yeah baaaby! ðŸ˜€ 

On a more topic-oriented note, I have to put a bug in your ears about a rat bait out there that isn't like the rat baits we have known in the past. Reason? We have had 3 recent cases of exposure/intoxications related to the ingestion of this rat bait. The ingredient we are talking about is Bromethalin, & it is found in some newer rat baits. Bromethalin is basically a neurotoxin, works on the nervous system as opposed to working on the clotting factors. It's pretty quickly absorbed from the GI tract, and cats tend to be far more sensitive than dogs. Depending on the amount ingested, it can take anywhere from 12 to 96 hours fors signs to show up from my understanding and talkung with the ASPCA Toxic Hotline veterinary toxicologists. Signs include stumbling, weakness in the legs, vomiting, muscle tremors, seizures, becoming really excited, very sensitive to things, & vocalizing to name a few symptoms. So, go look at any rat bait you may have out, & know whats in it so if your furbaby gets into it, you can call the toxic hotline, then us at Thompson Veterinary Services for help. Btw, keep the packaging from your baits, of any kind so we can know whats in them if we need. 

Have a great day!! Dr.T 

Friday, April 20, 2018

Top 10 Commands to Teach Your Dog

Top 10 Commands to Teach Your Dog

  1. Watch me - This will be very useful for training your dog and will quickly get their attention later
  2. Sit - This is essential and can stop your dog from bad behaviors such as jumping on people
  3. Stay - Closely connected to the "Sit" command this command will help your dog be self-controlled and is extremely helpful for hyperactive dogs especially.  Begin with the Sit command and then follow with "Stay".
  4. Come - This is used to call your dog to you. This is will useful during walks when your dog is distracted by another animal or person and wants to run. 
  5. Off - This command can be used to get your pet off the furniture or off of that guest they are so excited to see
  6. Kennel/Bed/Crate - Whichever word you choose for your dog's place for the evening or when you leave.  Kennel training your dog is very important and gives them a safe place when they are alone as well as helps keep them from tearing up the house or having accidents while you are gone. 
  7. Leave it - This will teat your dog to leave a specific object alone that you don't want them bothering. 
  8. Heel - This is a command that will teach your dog to walk right beside you and remain with you.
  9. Drop it - This will teach your dog to let go of an object that they have grabbed onto.
  10. Stand - Very useful for when your dog is at the vet or needs to be brushed or to be standing for any reason.  

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Help! My Puppy is Chewing Everything!

New Puppy

Yay! Congratulations on your new puppy!  It's so exciting bringing home a new bundle of joy.  You're so excited, tons of cute puppy selfies and cuddles! Awesome! And now they're chewing your favorite pair of shoes...and the children's toys...and your phone cord...and your hands... What do you do now?!

Stop the Chew

First, keep your stuff picked up.  If you don't want it chewed, remember this is a baby and just like you baby proof for a baby, you need to puppy proof too.  Then give your pup appropriate things to chew.  Give them DOG toys.  Don't get them that old sneaker to chew up, it will only confuse them.  Make sure to spend lots of time with your puppy, they won't learn if they are always alone.  Give them tons of exercise and make sure they have great toys to play with.  You can also get a chewing deterrent to spray on your furniture to make it taste bad for your dog.  Make sure that if your pup grabs something they aren't to have do not chase after them.  Call them and offer a treat when they come instead.  By chasing you're creating a game.  

Monday, April 16, 2018

Top 5 Reasons Fluffy Isn't Using the Litter Box

Yuck! The cat "missed"! 

If you find that your cat is using anything to go to the bathroom except the litter box there are many, many reasons why.  Here are 5 of the top reasons why your cat may be not using the litter box. 

  1. UTI - Yep. Cats get them too!  A trip to your vet can help you determine if this is the cause and give you treatment to take care of the infection.
  2. Did you get a new litter with that fancy scent?  Yeah, your cat hates it.  Try an unscented litter.
  3. When was the last time you cleaned your box?  You may have a picky cat that really just wants to do their business in a nice clean fresh box! 
  4. STRESS!  Yes, your cat can get stressed too.  New house? New baby? Did you get a dog? Or a new cat...don't be too surprised if your beloved feline protests in the form of peeing in the sink. 
  5. Do you have a covered box?  Many cats hate them. Think about it as going into a port-a-potty in your own house....yeah, we can't blame them for hating it! 

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Snake Bite Vaccine

Snake bites aren't cool! 

Come get in today and ask us about the snake bite vaccine!  This vaccine helps in decreasing the potential severity of bites from certain snack bites.  Pups are curious and tend to want to check out those intruders in their yards.  Make sure that you keep your fur baby as protected as you can!  

Hot for the summer

To avoid these problems and enjoy the  summer season  with your  pet , here're the tips to keep in mind. Provide plenty of water and...