Thursday, May 28, 2020

A quick not from Dr. T

Good evening, good evening! Dr.T 😎Real fast!! Hey know our people involved in the healthcare profession & law enforcement are laying it all out on the line out there for everyone, & for that, whether you know it or is TRULY APPRECIATED & we are GRATEFUL to have you; please know that.
BUT! There is another another group of people who have maybe been "recognized" but probably not as much as they should be being recognized....that group of people would be all of those individuals who are working their asses off to put products on our grocery shelves. That would encompass the people who load the trucks, the truck drivers who sometime have to wait 2-3 days in their trucks just to unload their products, the people who unload the trucks at the grocery stores, the stockers working form 9 p to 9a to stock the shelves, the store managers who have been staying at the stores, away from their families, to make sure things get done before the doors open. SO, just maybe the next time we are in a grocery store, instead of being frustrated because" they still don't have this or they still don't have that.....why don't we try being grateful for what they do have, & saying THANK YOU & WE APPRECIATE YOU. Bet that would make their day to know what they are doing really matters to someone. What do you think? Just saying. Dr.T 😎

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Good morning! Hoping this finds you & your fam. in good health. Anyone having issues buying milk? Any signs posted on the doors to the dairy case, limiting purchases of milk to one (1) gallon? Any one curious why that would be occurring? First thing one would think would be, "There must be a shortage of milk, so they are limiting the amount we can purchase so we don't run out....duuuuh." That's how we are conditioned to think now, without questioning. True with some products/materials, but not so much with milk. I have been following this and the decline of beef prices (even though demand has increased) & it's interesting to find, when other sources of info are accessed, & not the "doom-gloom" of mainstream "panic news," that milk is readily available!!!! But you will have to go where it is. And where is that you will have to go???? Grocery store?? Nope! The fields where milk is being dumped because there is "decreased demand" for this product. Understand schools and restaurants are major consumers of milk & milk products...ok fact. But if that's the case, wouldn't there be say....potentially more? milk available because of the lack of purchasing by these two entities( schools & restaurants) & therefore more milk "should be" available to purchase in stores? Maybe it's the logistics of getting the milk to the stores? Go look into this situation. Checkout Ag websites because one will become better informed of how agriculture is working through this crisis to help keep QUALITY FOOD products in the stores, on your table, & in your mouths!! "AGRICULTURE! IT'S WHAT FOR DINNER!!"

Thursday, May 21, 2020

A quick not from Dr. T

Quick thought, one of many in the past 3 nanoseconds because my "committee" in my mind is ALWAYS "In session," 24/7. Should someone you know or if you get sick and are briefly unable to take care of your pets or stock (cattle, horses, goats, etc) you have someone who can jump in and help. I think it would be a great idea to have a "Plan B" to institute should that need arise. Just a thought!

Be a BEAST today!

Stay safe, healthy, POSITIVE, and ridiculously GRATEFUL!! Wishing each of you a GREAT DAY! Dr.T 😎

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Covid 19

Time to learn something!! Always cool!! You may have heard back when Covid-19 raised its ugly head, during one of the Covid Task Force White House briefings, the director of the FDA talking about possible vaccine & medications being pursued in the fight against CoV-19, but he also mentioned....."Convalescent plasma(CP)" So this is some REALLY COOL STUFF!! You may already know this, but just hang on...Basically, the people who have truly had the virus, their body(immune system), in response to the virus made ANTIBODIES, which are super good!!! These antibodies can be "taken" from the blood of recovered patients, and used to help treat ongoing cases. Now this isn't likely to be a cure, but could be I guess, but it can be used to help fight the secondary bacterial infections that cause morbidity & mortality. We have been doing this in VETERINARY MEDICINE for years. We use hyperimmune serum to treat EPM, West Nile epidemic that hit the US back in the 90's, & other diseases. This serum is loaded with antibodies to these diseases, therefore helping improve the chances of better outcomes/recovery. This type of plasma is used to treat parvo & septicemias as well. My ears perked when he mentioned Covalescent Plasma!! That's why NOW they are setting up testing for Covid-19 antibodies!! This is just frick'n cool news. This will be such a huge POSITIVE in the treatment of this virus & the secondary bacterial infections that come in AFTER the virus breaks down the immune system. Just saying, maybe they need to start with people who back in Nov & Dec of last year had symptoms of chronic dry cough lasting 4-6 weeks, fever, tight chest/ hard to breathe, felt sore/ hurt like they had their asses kicked, and tested negative to flu & strep mutiple times....who knows, the potential for help has already been around. Science is greatness!! Have a good evening! Dr.T ✌😎

Thursday, May 14, 2020

A Noter from Dr. T

Good morning all! ☀️☕ ahhhhh coffee! As Clint Black said, " It's just food for the brain." And believe me, I use it to the max!! Truly, how is every one?.....Really hope you are well.
Need to let all the 4-H and FFA sponsors/ chapters know that the Texas Animal Health Commission released a notice this morning that Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus has been found in Hockley County. Why is this important you may ask? Well there are alot of kids out there who show rabbits and have worked very hard to raise them, eventhough shows were cancelled, and they need to know it's at least out there so they can take measures to prevent their projects being affected, & can watch for potential signs. This particular disease can be very detrimental to the rabbit population, both domestic and wild. Please go to the TAHC website and pull up the notice and in it you will find what measures you can take to help protect your rabbits. This information is to inform and educate you, so please just go look. Have a great day, and remember...
"The future is now."
~Vince Lombardi

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Pink eye

Good morning, good morning! This little tidbit of info is going out to the the cattlemen & cattlewomen, and those just starting to get into cattle.

SUBJECT: Pinkeye.
Not going to bore you with the name of the organism, & you won't see me standing by a cow with a stethescope around my neck; you already know I'm a vet, does the stethescope bring credibility????
Things to know( meat & potatoes man!):
1. Costs alot to treat in terms of meds and time,
2. Highly contagious,
3. Flies are main culprits of transmission,
4. Vaccine for 1 of the organisms causing Pinkeye is available.....BUT!!!!!! There are 2 (TWO) organisms that cause pinkeye. (Look it up!!) So, may need to get an autogenous vaccine made for 2nd organism,
5. Start prevention program NOW, BEFORE FLY SEASON,
6. Fly tags work...IF you follow directions/ recommndations,
7. Good herd health protocols & nutrition programs also contribute to prevention, & take your time and ACTUALLY walk through your herd and put "eyes on" your cattle,
8. DO NOT!! DO NOT!! INJECT antibiotics, especially tetracyclines into the eye. Yes I HAVE seen the aftermath of this and IT IS a true FUBAR!!,
9.Call your veterinarian, if you can find one that comes out anymore, and get help,
10. Make sure where you have your cattle is "EYE FRIENDLY" , no low hanging branches, no old, stemmy hay in hayrings cattle can poke their eye on, no overgrown pastures with forages with "big/rough heads," & make sure the loafing areas are dry as possible & manure not piling up which causes flies. Might consider moving those hay rings around & not feeding hay in same spot......
Well, don't know if this helped or not, but bet it planted a seed.....Have a GREAT DAY! Dr.T 😎 Thompson Veterinary Services (TVS)

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Cool Cat

Ok!! Hey good morning!!
This fine looking cool cat came in yesterday with the primary concern of eating bunnies over the past few days...and now is unable to swallow completely, but can breathe normally.
No pawing at the mouth or gagging. Patient was "able to eat", but the food came immediately back up. Palpation of the laryngeal region produced an immediate cough, & patient was frequently licking its lips and trying to swallow, annnnnnd......there was a small palpable "object" to the left of the larynx (esophagus follow the trachea on left side for about this 1st third of the length before moving to a dorsal position for a segment...).
Patient wasn't in respiratory distress so....plan of action!! Lets decrease the amount of inflammation that may be around the "obstruction" before going in and trying to yank it out causing maybe further damage. There are different ways to handle this I'm sure and're not "in the arena."
Began antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and went NPO. This a.m., patient was not producing an immediate cough, licking of lips and exaggerated swallowing had resolved. So here is what we pulled out......enjoy!! It's not stupendous or death defying I get it, but it is pretty cool....again, ENJOY!! Now let's frick'n EDUCATE!! and put this into a discussion.
Let's learn!!! What would be some complications that may be encountered with a laryngeal foreign body post removal??? And what would you do...need input from soon to graduate vet students!! Don't give me "Ivory Tower" Think for yourself....Dr.T 😎

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Notes from Dr. T

Good morning!!

Hope your weekend was good, maybe got a little crazy?!? Hey!! Incase you haven't noticed, but have the "allergies" hit with a VENGEANCE OR WHAT!!! 😳😳
What's even crazier man, is that the cases we have been seeing for the past 2 months, have been involving like, one ear in dogs and "bumps"(Miliary dermatitis) in cats. These ear cases come in all kinds of jacked up; ear swollen, red, painful, brownish-yellow crap coming out of it, some with hematomas, owners with bloodshot eyes from not getting sleep because the dog is scratching &/or doing that low mournful growl as the dog slowly digs in the affected ear, then smells and licks the the foot it used to scratch it with; time for "Morning kisses!" I'm good, but thanks; NOT!! It is OFFICIALLY, without a doubt, ALLERGY SEASON!!! 😳😳😳😢😢!!! And the FRICK'N FLEAS have come out on a true mission as well!! (Be thinking Vectra or Bravecto baby!!)
Here it is. Allergies can be managed to a degree, but one HAS TO be PROACTIVE!! Get the flea preventative, don't wait until your dog or cat get secondary staph infections of the skin, get a call into your vet.....LETS GET SOME KIND OF RELIEF for your pet....AND YOU!! Guys, nothing works all the time, but with consistent management and ACTION, there can be improvement. One word of CAUTION though. Long term, consistent( every day & in many case every day of every month) use of Prednisone or Prednisolone is not a good thing. To get an animal "out of a flare" to prevent more trauma to the skin of these affected fur babies...SURE THING, but not for the long term unless being frequently monitored(liver & kidney enzymes). I truly wish there was one "Universal Cure" but as many of you know who battle allergies on a personal level, some remedies work better than others, & what may have worked in the past, doesn't work now..Different allergens out there!! GIVE US A CALL TODAY, and let's get you & your scratching, miserable fur baby in for some MUCH NEEDED and APPRECIATED RELIEF!!! Be a beast today!! Your support is so very greatly appreciated; we are grateful. ✌OUT! Dr.T 😎

Hot for the summer

To avoid these problems and enjoy the  summer season  with your  pet , here're the tips to keep in mind. Provide plenty of water and...